A Majority Of Students Detest Bullying And Don’t Know How To Help


It’s No Name Calling Week, Jan. 23-27, and STARS CEO Rodger Dinwiddie recently appeared on WSMV’s More at Midday to talk about negative speech contributing to a lack of civility in the way in which people and children treat one another.

            “There is no online or offline world any more,” Dinwiddie quotes a student at an international bullying prevention conference. “It’s all one world.”

            Take a look at the ways in which STARS helps teachers and students who are struggling with this very difficult challenge.


The column referred to by Dinwiddie and written by a STARS student can be found in this blog section. Visit our Facebook page at STARS (Students Taking A Right Stand) Nashville to see the Tennessean editorial and the two other related columns.

            “Research indicates most kids detest bullying and don’t want anything to do with it,” Dinwiddie says. “STARS has Move2Stand to help students be more than a bystander and to stand up to bullying.” For more information on bullying prevention, check out STARS bullying prevention videos at or contact us today at 615-279-0058.

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.