Since 1984, STARS’ mission has been to help all young people pursue
their unlimited potential. We provide hope, health, connection and compassion through prevention, intervention, treatment and training.
STARS has served some of our most disenfranchised populations by providing school-based prevention and intervention services, as well as intensive outpatient treatment services for adolescents with substance use and co-occurring disorders.

STARS believes all young people thrive when they have hope, health and connection.

Our services have had proven and lasting results. Our programs have helped increase school attachment, attendance and grades, as well as improve decision-making skills and refusal of alcohol, drugs and sexual activity. We have witnessed higher individual resilience and lower rates of suspensions, expulsions, bullying, violence and delinquency. STARS promotes an increased positive orientation to the future and youth involvement in the community.
Help increase our impact.
If you support our mission, please consider giving to STARS Nashville. Your financial contribution makes our mission of helping young people thrive possible.