Bullying HURTS! Let’s stop the cycle!


Hi, friends.  Clare Sanchez here.  I’m having such a GREAT year at school!  But last year wasn’t so hot.  There was this one girl in my class, Rebecca, who was really out to get me.  She was constantly putting me down and doing every mean thing to me she could think of.  She made up lies about me to try and turn my friends against me.  She even made racist comments about my family being from Mexico like, “Where’s your sombrero, Clare?!” and once she even posted a comment on FB that said, “Does anyone else think that Clare is starting to look like a burrito?”  She had this posse of friends that would just stand there and watch her doing these awful things to me, laughing and cheering her on.

I didn’t want to tell anyone about it because I was really ashamed and embarrassed, and I didn’t think anyone could really do anything to help me.  I also felt really guilty because I had watched Rebecca do the same kind of ugly things to a friend of mine the year before, and I didn’t do anything to help her.  She must have felt just as miserable and humiliated as I did!  And I did NOTHING to try and stop it!  I was scared, I guess, and maybe even a little glad it wasn’t happening to me.  But then last year, Rebecca decided it was my turn, and I felt like I actually deserved it.  I didn’t think I was really being bullied because I wasn’t being beat up or anything, but the things Rebecca did hurt me just as much as if she’d broken every bone in my body.

Believe it or not, things finally got better when I got the help I needed and Rebecca got the help she needed.  I’ll tell you all about it in my next blog entry.  Nos vemos!

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