Bullying Prevention PSA Emmy Nominated


During national No Name Calling Week, it’s gratifying to learn that STARS PSA Campaign launched during last year’s No Name Calling Week has been honored with a Emmy nomination from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Nashville/Midsouth Chapter. Partnering with the Nashville Film Institute ( and WTVF’s Lelan Statom, the campaign was honored for “excellence in announcements that effectively focus interest in and marshal support for worthy community or area causes.”

Several area students and Statom appear on the PSA talking about the horrors of bullying and how to get help.

We are so grateful to our brave STARS’s students Eric and Priyanka for taking a stand in this PSA and to the students of NFI,  former NFI director Alberto Roldan, Nancy McNulty, McNulty Communications, STARS Director of Development Erin Daunic, Middle College teacher Jason Glassman and to the incomparable Lelan Statom for helping making this important message possible. And, our huge thanks to Lelan for submitting it for Emmy consideration.

In the end, it is gratifying that the importance of the PSA is being validated by the Emmy nomination. However, we are most concerned about the rise in teen suicides of late and the thought that there are hurting, bullied teens in need. So, post the PSA to your FB page. Pass it along to anyone you think needs this help and support. It does take a community to make a difference and one person standing could save a life.

 There is help. There is hope. There is a solution. Call STARS today at 615-279-0058. 



STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.