2nd Grade-Meet Mark

2nd Grade Meet Mark Awareness of Differences (45 minutes) This program promotes respect, understanding and acceptance of all individuals regardless of their differences. By allowing open conversation, this presentation helps to break down barriers and shows students that we are all different in some ways but we are all the same on the inside. The […]

1st Grade-Meet Melodi

Meet Melodi Problem Solving (25 minutes) By giving the audience a chance to help the Kids On The Block characters find a solution, the children learn that there is more than one way to solve a problem.  The program teaches the importance of sharing and also a simple technique to calm down and get control […]

Kindergarten-Meet Jason

Meet Jason Kindergarten Sticks and Stones (25 minutes) Developed for our youngest audiences, this presentation promotes caring and respect by showing that words can really hurt despite what children may have heard in the saying: “Sticks and stones. . . .” It discourages teasing and name-calling while encouraging kindness.

STARS Profiled By Professional Educators of Tennessee (PET)

Article originally appeared in the Spring 2013 newsletter of the Professional Educators of Tennessee (PET).  What you are about to read is the story of a very unique and valuable service organization for youth. Though you will read about its involvement mostly in Middle Tennessee, the contact information at the end of the article will […]

Operation Life – By David Cistrunk, Station Camp Sophmore

Operation Life was a great expereince to not only be apart of, but to see also. To the school, I feel it helped a lot of people realize the effects of bad decisions. Mrs. Olsen that shared her story with us made a lot of us feel thankful that we are not in her situation.  […]

Operation Life at Station Camp High School – By Kay Higgs

On April 9th, the 11th and 12th grade students of Station Camp High School witnessed ‘Operation Life’.  ‘Operation Life’ is a fatal wreck reenactment.  The opening scene of the play shows several students drinking and dancing at an after prom unchaperoned  party.  Three students intoxicated leaves the party and gets into a wreck with another car that just […]

Tips For Preventing Teen Inappropriate Use of Technology

With three area Middle Tennessee juveniles recently arrested for involvement with a sexting ring and a Sumner County school put on alert with a possible student Facebook threat today, STARS CEO Rodger Dinwiddie said it is an important reminder for parents to talk with their teens about inappropriate and illegal use of technology. “One of […]

News You Can Use – Join Us at Brentwood High School

The incredible Parents Supporting STARS Committee (P.S. STARS) of Brentwood High are holding another great panel discuss on the important issue of prescription and over the country drug abuse by teens in the Brentwood High School Library on Monday, March 11 at 7 p.m. Open to parents to attend, STARS board member Tricia Spehr, who […]


Here are some great social media strategies to be a part of the SOLUTION TO END THE MISUSE OF THE “R” WORD!!   Social Media has proven to be a very effective way to raise awareness for Spread the Word to End the Word™.  Social media will allow you to engage in conversations that help […]


Please join us on Monday, June 10, 2013 at the exclusive (and beautiful) Golf Club of Tennessee for a day of golf!! Player entry fee is $375. Or put in an entire foursome for $1,500. ….Because it is not just a day of golf, it is a young person’s future. Please call 615-983-6805 for further […]

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.