Bullying A Big Deal? You Decide. By Rodger Dinwiddie, STARS Executive Director

After being bullied at school and attempting suicide, the Anchorage School District and its insurance company paid $4.5 million to settle a lawsuit with the middle school student’s family. In another news story from Kansas, education groups say more and more parents are taking school officials to court for failing to stop other youngsters from […]

Emotional Bullying A Top Concern For Our Youth – by Rodger Dinwiddie, Executive Director

A recent survey of children in grades five through 12, conducted by researcher Tonya Nansel et al, found America’s youth are more concerned about emotional abuse than physical violence. Unfortunately and ironically, most schools in America are described as “safe” if there is no violence. In a truly safe school, all students feel like they belong, […]

No Name Calling – by Rodger Dinwiddie, Executive Director

Many folks simply don’t want to confront the reality that language is powerful and can either be a great source of blessing or curse. Language can build or destroy. That’s why No Name Calling Week is so important. This year school and community organizations will celebrate No Name Calling Week at the end of January. […]

Dating Abuse is Unacceptable – by Rodger Dinwiddie, Executive Director

Struggles with relationship issues have been on everyone’s mind lately with the unfortunate Tiger Woods situation.  However, many teens experience tension in their dating/partner relationships that can end with dating abuse or violence.  STARS (Students Taking A Right Stand) Nashville has several ways to help students make better choices. Dating abuse is used to manipulate, […]

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.