April is National Child Abuse Prevention month and to honor this our Kids on the Block team has been presenting to all six (yes, 6!!) elementary schools at Ft. Campbell this week. We have been presenting our Child Abuse Prevention program to all their third graders and our Coping With Crisis program to all second graders. We will have some photos and stories to share about these experiences later on.
In the meantime, here is a letter we received from a school counselor:
Dear Kids on the Block,
Thank you for coming to [our school] today. You are doing great work to keep our children safe. It is heart-breaking to know as you spoke to the children today that as they were all laughing, it was probably hitting home with several of them. I hope that this message will resonate with each of them. That they will know that it is not their fault. That they will know they can trust their teacher if they should choose to ask for help. That they will know that it is not “okay” for anyone to hurt them. I will send the papers home with them as well. I hope this will begin a dialogue with their parents and much good will come of it.
Each performer was excelllent. Their puppet voices were so good. May you be blessed for all the great work you are doing.
We are truly honored to work with these students, their schools and communities. Thanks so much.