Game-changing announcement!

International Bullying Prevention Association Logo

Bullying is a worldwide problem.

That is why STARS Nashville has actively supported the International Bullying Prevention Association (IBPA) since its inception.

And that is why today, STARS Nashville is thrilled to announce it is stepping in to take the helm of this crucial organization. 

As a long-time member and supporter of IBPA, STARS was in the right position at the right time to ensure that the partnerships, collaborative institutions, and dedicated professionals maintain their established interconnectedness to advance the work of bullying prevention on local, national, and global levels. 

“To have been a part of something so important since its inception, to be able to protect and further the legacy of such a dedicated organization, is an honor,” says Rodger Dinwiddie, CEO at STARS Nashville, who has also been an active board member and a Past-President of IBPA advocate for IBPA since it was started in 2003.  “We deeply value the anchoring role IBPA has played in the advancement of bullying prevention research and all of the relationships created across the world.”

“This has been a very intentional and strategic process,” shared Beth Yohe, President of the IBPA Board of Directors, and Executive Director of the Conflict Center in Denver, CO. “STARS and IBPA have been closely affiliated since IBPA was founded. The two organizations have provided remarkable due diligence, with both our boards of directors working in partnership to secure the future of this organization and it’s leadership role in this important field.  STARS is the perfect conduit entity to preserve IBPA’s history and to further its mission.” celebrate the possibilities.”

With the mission of STARS focused on the hope, health, and connection of youth and communities, and the global relationships established by IBPA, this “strategic adoption” will be pivotal to the work and world-wide efforts to address, prevent, and minimize not only the impact of bullying but to advance and deepen how communities support the social and emotional well-being of their citizens.

“As we transition through this process, we will continue to rely on the leadership from former IBPA board members by offering these former members roles on our advisory board of directors.  We look forward to strengthening and growing these relationships into the future,” said Mr. Dinwiddie. “We also are certain this new, deeper affiliation will have a positive impact on STARS and the work we do everyday.”

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.