Helping PeaceJam Change Lives – Student Scholarship Opportunity


 PeaceJam Kick Off 2012 at the PeaceSlam, Belmont University

Hundreds of students across the mid-state are convening on Belmont University’s campus January 25-27, 2013, for Nashville’s first ever PeaceJam. In partnership with Students Taking A Right Stand (STARS), these students will work with Nobel Peace Laureate, Dr. Shirin Ebadi, the first Muslim and first Iranian Peace Laureate in history. The students will collaborate with her to determine a peace project which they will take back to their community and it can be anything from bullying prevention in schools to building wells for water in Africa.

As you can imagine, this will be a life-changing opportunity for these area students, many who have never visited a college campus before. Student scholarships have been one of the biggest challenges for STARS. If you are interested and able to support a student for this incredible weekend of change, please contact the STARS Development Office at 615-983-6805.

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.