Monday, June 9, 2014
Golf Club of Tennessee
Kingston Springs, TN
It’s not just a day of golf. It’s a young person’s future.
This year marks the 22nd year of the Hart Golf Classic. All proceeds raised by the Hart Golf Classic go directly to the youth served by STARS. Last year alone we reached 80,000 young people and their families. From our STARS specialists who work in the school buildings every day, to our trained Kids on the Block puppeteers, to our services for students who are deaf or hard of hearing, to our intensive outpatient treatment program, we are making an impact!
Player, Team and Hole Sponsorships
$375 per player
$1,500 for one foursome
$250 hole sponsorship
$1,600 to sponsor one team & one hole
HOLE IN ONE Presenting Sponsor $10,000
- Your $10,000 will ensure that young people in Middle Tennessee will be provided the help, hope and healing they deserve. Your donation truly saves lives.
- What you receive for your support:
- Carts and green fees for three teams, including lunch & on-course beverages
- Logo to appear on sponsor board, prominently displayed at the tournament
- Logo featured on the STARS website, which can link to your website
- Mulligans for teams
- Hole signage
EAGLE Sponsor to benefit K-6th Graders $7,500
- Your donation of $7,500 will:
- Teach 500 Kindergarteners caring and respect by understanding that name-calling & teasing can hurt someone else
- Teach 500 3rd graders to understand that child abuse is NEVER a child’s fault
- Teach 500 5th graders to challenge their fears and prejudices and thus accept differences in others
- What you receive for your support:
- Cart & green fees for two teams
- Hole signage
- Mulligans for teams
- Logo featured on the STARS website, which can link to your website
- AND, an overnight stay for 8 with catered dinner on Monday, June 9 in the Ingram Cabins located up the hill from the putting green!!!
BIRDIE Sponsor to aid in Bullying Prevention $5,000
- Your donation of $5,000 will provide support to 300 students on the issue of relationship violence through the evidence-based curriculum, SAFE DATES.
- What you receive for your support:
- Cart & green fees for one team
- Mulligans for team
- Logo featured on the STARS website, which can link to your website
GOLDEN TEE Sponsor to support youth overcoming drug abuse $2,500
- Your donation of $2,500 will provide intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment for 10 adolescents
- What you receive for your support:
- Cart & green fees for one team; and hole signage