MOVE 2 STAND against Bullying!!


From South Hadley, MA teen Phoebe Prince to Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi, bullying takes lives and Nashville’s NewsChannel 5 gets the enormity of this issue as they highlighted the STARS Move 2 Stand program October 4 at Freedom Middle School. (

The helplessness of the students facing this issue is very frustrating but the Move 2 Stand program seeks to equip our youth for this very real problem.

Freedom school counselor Brenda Hester was quoted in the NewsChannel 5 story offering excellent advice.

“If we can change the culture of our school where everybody gets on board to say we’re not tolerating that it becomes easier and we’ll have fewer and fewer victims of bullying. I think a lot of times kids want to take the safe route and they think maybe if I stand on the side of the bully, I won’t be bullied, said Hester in her interview.

Move 2 Stand is about empowering students to stand up against bullying and harassment asking students to take the STARS challenge to become a LEADER by:

L–Look around and notice; E-Empathize, feel and listen with your heart; A-Act on what you see and feel; D-Dare to be the change you want to see; E-Encourage others to do the same; R-Remember you can make the difference.

If you or your school wants to learn more about steps to take in prevent this epidemic, contact us at 615-279-0058.

Please check out this recent article in the New York Times regarding the devastation of bullying: