STARS Honors Stellar Supporters – Patricia and Rodes Hart


In our 18th year of hosting the STARS golf tournament, the incredible tourney committee and STARS board have decided to rename the event, Hart Golf Classic, honoring our stellar STARS supporters Rodes and Patricia Hart.  

 Active throughout the area, STARS is so fortunate to have the support, time and talents of this dynamic couple who are committed to helping kids fight tough barriers to learning.  

Golf tournament co-chairmen Barry Moody and Ron Samuels said STARS wanted to give the Harts well-deserved, on-going recognition for their support of our community’s youth. 

“With the generous support of Rodes and Patricia Hart of this event and STARS, we are showing our deep appreciation for their commitment to helping students throughout Middle Tennessee combat tough issues like bullying, violence, substance abuse and peer pressure. In addition to renaming the golf tournament, an engraved silver tray serves as the champion trophy displayed at The Golf Club of Tennessee, one of the region’s top courses. A new event logo has been designed by GS&F Advertising – all helping bring an image of excellence and tradition to the event,“ Samuels said.

Moody said in his fourth year of co-chairing the golf tournament that helping the students is what the day is genuinely all about. “Ultimately, helping students overcome serious social and emotional barriers to learning helps us have a stronger and better Tennessee which is what the Harts and this golf tournament help support,” Moody said. 

The Hart Golf Classic takes place at The Golf Club of Tennessee with a shotgun start at noon on Monday, October 25. Golf registration and sponsorship information can be obtained by contacting Erin Daunic at 615-983-6805. Check out the amazing painting on our Facebook page produced by area artist Lynn Samuels that will be part of the event’s silent auction at www.facebook/STARS(StudentsTakingARightStand)  


















STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.