Sumner County PROM DRESS DRIVE!!


        Girls in Sumner County facing the challenge and expense of Spring prom are getting a big helping hand from Students Taking A Right Stand (STARS) Prom Drive which also educates and encourages students to have a safe evening through prom promise.


Kay Higgs, Station Camp High School STARS Specialist, is one of five STARS specialists helping organize the prom dress drive in hopes of relieving some of the economic stress for the girls while at the same time encouraging students to sign a prom promise pledge card to abstain from alcohol or drug use.

“We are working to help students have a pleasant and memorable prom night by encouraging them to be safe while helping the girls with expensive prom wear. Money is tight right now for a lot of people causing additional stress for families of high school students. Prom is an important tradition for a lot of teens and it is so rewarding for us and the girls if we can help make the experience possible,” Higgs said.  “In addition to helping the girls find a cute dress, STARS specialists are working to educate and promote awareness of ways in which to have safe prom experience.”

Here are some of the important tips from STARS to help have a safe prom night:

•    Discuss plans with your friends and date before prom night.

•    Know when your curfew is for prom night and let your date and

            friends know what time you need to be home. 

•    Charge your cell phone and keep it with you in case of an emergency. 

•    If someone offers you any drugs or alcohol be prepared to tell them no. Try and say

      things like “No thanks” or “Seriously? I want to remember this night.” 

•    Have someone you can call in case if your driver is intoxicated. 

•    Wear your seat belt. 

•    Be sure to get directions and know where you are going ahead of time. 

•    Fill up the gas tank in your car. 

•    Be aware. More drunk drivers are out on the road during the weekend. Keep an eye  on oncoming drivers; impaired drivers tend to drive toward lights. 

The Sumner Prom Drive is accepting donations of jewelry, purses and good condition shoes.  Higgs said on March 1 from 3:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m., Sumner County high school girls can visit Beech High School to get their cost-free prom wear. 

“We care about our students and want to support this fun part of the high school journey.  We are working with kids who have some tough barriers to learning and this is such a positive experience getting to support these girls with something meaningful to them,” Higgs said.   

Dresses can either be dropped off at these participating schools or they can be picked up by contacting the STARS specialists listed: Beech High School, Alicia Georgiou,,

Gallatin High School, Richan Groves,, 615.452-2621;

Hendersonville High School, Debbie Sheets,, 615.824.4028; Portland High School,

Elana Newton,, 615.325.9201 ext. 118;

Station Camp High School, Kay Higgs,,
615.451.6553 ext. 13;

White House High School, Elana Newton,,

 A natonally recognized resource for student assistance, training and professional consultation, STARS assists students, families and schools with prevention, intervention and treatment services addressing bullying, substance abuse, violence, and social and emotional barriers to success. Founded in 1984, STARS staff operate in schools and community sites throughout Middle Tennessee via STARS Specialists, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Youth Overcoming Drug Abuse (YODA) as a licensed alcohol and drug out-patience treatment facility as well as their Kids On The Block puppetry program helping educate kindergarten through sixth grade students about health and social concerns that affect their lives while promoting an understanding and acceptance of all children and adults regardless of their differences.


STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.