Suggestions to Help Your Loved Ones

Alcoholism or drug dependence can be painfully hard to help someone overcome. While at times ignoring the problem may seem easier, in the long run denying it or minimizing it is more damaging to you, other family members, and the person for whom you are concerned. Individuals with substance abuse disorders often have a mental […]

Guest Blogger – Brad Schmitt

For today’s blog post we have a very special guest blogger, Brad Schmitt! Brad is a Nashville based blogger over at Nashville Recovers, and today he will share a glimpse of what recovery looks like and some of the road blocks older peers face when trying to help motivate young adults  to start on a new […]

September National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month turns 25 this year!! To honor this important milestone, it is our hope you will join us as we celebrate those courageous individuals working a personal program of recovery.  Recovery Month isn’t just to promote awareness. It is much more. National Recovery Month promotes positive change in how we perceive recovery from […]

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.