Operation Life – By David Cistrunk, Station Camp Sophmore

Operation Life was a great expereince to not only be apart of, but to see also. To the school, I feel it helped a lot of people realize the effects of bad decisions. Mrs. Olsen that shared her story with us made a lot of us feel thankful that we are not in her situation.  […]

Operation Life at Station Camp High School – By Kay Higgs

On April 9th, the 11th and 12th grade students of Station Camp High School witnessed ‘Operation Life’.  ‘Operation Life’ is a fatal wreck reenactment.  The opening scene of the play shows several students drinking and dancing at an after prom unchaperoned  party.  Three students intoxicated leaves the party and gets into a wreck with another car that just […]

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.