

Director of Clinical Services

Lauren Dickson began her professional career with a yearlong stint in Siberia. Putting her B.A. degree in Russian studies to good use, she worked with a local nonprofit to support grassroots activism in the region. She then moved to San Francisco, Calif., where she worked at Jewish Family and Children’s Services as a program director for Russian-speaking émigré youth from the former Soviet Union and solidified her passion for social work and service.

Lauren received her master’s degree in social work from New York’s Hunter College School of Social Work in 2005 and then returned to the Bay Area to work for Seneca Family of Agencies, serving youth and families involved in the foster care, juvenile justice and mental health systems. Her work spanned a wide range of direct service, supervisory, administrative and program development roles in residential and community-based settings.

In 2013, Lauren moved with her family to Tennessee. She’s loved getting to know the great city of Nashville and the surrounding areas and is grateful every day for her amazing twins, Lily and Henry, her husband, Daren.

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.