Substance abuse, violence, harassment, divorce, grief, cyber-bullying as well as student leadership are some of the issues we at STARS (Students Taking A Right Stand) Nashville have been working on for the past 25 years to make a difference in the lives of youth throughout Middle Tennessee. One of our 2010 goals is to invite the community on the road with us, through this blog, as we talk about the challenges our youth are facing on a day-to-day basis and share the solutions.
We feel very fortunate that Cool People Care (Sam Davidson and Stephen Moseley) helped us re-launch our website with this area for a blog. In addition, you can also become a Facebook fan of STARS (Students Taking A Right Stand) Nashville. And stay tuned…we will soon be tweeting!
STARS specialists and Kids On The Block staff work in elementary through high schools across the mid Tennessee area on the front lines working with students, teachers, administrators, and caring adults. It is a mutual goal to help kids overcome these huge problems, to stay in school and to be successful.
It’s National NO NAME CALLING week (Jan. 20-24) and it is the perfect time for us to be launching this blog. We’ll talk soon about our efforts to combat this mental abuse problem.
You’re going to notice the different voices of our staff as we use this blog to share with the world the amazing success stories and the challenges in hopes of inspiring you to make a difference in the lives of the youth in your community. President Franklin D. Roosevelt said it nicely, “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”