An End to Expulsions, Detentions and Suspensions

We’re so proud of Lori Beth Dunlap for speaking to issues she’s witnessed within our community and demanding action to help shape a better future for our young people – one that provides hope, health, and connection to the youth of our future. [clear-line] Good evening Dr. Joseph, members of the board… Thank you for […]
Child Abuse & How Community Members Can Make A Difference
Prevention of Child Abuse Comes in Many Forms Steve coaches baseball for the local little league, giving kids encouragement (and Gatorade) at practices after school and during weekend games. Ashley volunteers in her church nursery, loving on babies and giving parents a needed break. Cedric spends time mentoring elementary school kids through a local agency, […]
A Reflection on School Shootings
A Snapshot of School Shootings “Copycat Threats Fuel the Fear,” “19 Years after Columbine, schools are locked tightly”, “Generation Columbine knows no other worlds” These are headlines from recent articles in local and national newspapers spurred by the horrible tragedy at Parkland. Parkland is now a word that will be etched in our minds forever, […]
Mental Health & Importance of Care
Are you experiencing recurrent nightmares? Do you wrestle with thoughts that are unshakeable? Do you feel that many of your behaviors are impulsive? Do you use alcohol or any other substance daily to help you feel better about the events in your life? If you answered yes to any of the aforementioned questions: It does […]
All of us will experience anxiety; learn how to cope.
Managing the “Anx” Everyone experiences some form of anxiety at some level in their life. It is even more common during adolescence, because so many changes are taking place in their mind, their body, and their emotions. STARS Student Assistance Program Counselors work with adolescents, who are dealing with various forms of anxiety, to teach […]
Language Acquisition is Crucial to Development
The Importance of Early Literacy Development in the Deaf Community At the time of birth, our brains immediately begin to develop. We begin to make neural connections at a rapid rate (700 new neural connections are made every second from birth to five years old). By five years old, 90% of our brain capacity is […]
Learning Emotional Language
Emotionally Supporting Our Youth In our work, we meet young people from so many different, often difficult backgrounds. Whether through our youth conferences, like MOVE2STAND, or our result-based Student Assistance Program, we listen to stories, and aid in situations that are challenging and life-changing. Sometimes trying to create a space for emotional growth and healing […]
Look beyond the disability.
There’s a person there. In 1977 Kids on the Block was created from one teacher’s vision and determination to have her students with special needs integrate into the “regular” classroom with the least amount of fear and rejection as possible. She made a puppet that resembled one of her students after he had told her […]
The Power of Literacy
Kids on the Block bring Literacy to Buena Vista Kids on the Block (KOB) brought the Literacy Program to the first graders at Buena Vista Enhanced Option School in Nashville. Over several weeks KOB encouraged the importance of reading through various fun and engaging activities in which students: View a puppetry presentation that includes story […]
Why Access Matters – Mental Health
Within the last decade, mental Illness has become a popular topic, especially due to the volume of mass shootings that have occurred in the last ten years. During this time, we have witnessed such mass shootings: Jared Loughner (Tucson Shooting), Seung Hui Cho (Virginia Tech Massacre), Elliot Rodger (Isla Vista Massacre), and Adam Lanza (Sandy […]