What Does The Perfect Afternoon Of Golf Look Like To You?

What does the perfect afternoon of golf look like to you? Here’s what it looks like to us. Supporting the incredible work of Students Taking A Right Stand (STARS), the Hart Golf Classic is celebrating its 20th year this year returning to The Golf Club of Tennessee on Monday, June 25. Golf tournament co-chairman Cooper […]

College Trip for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing – A SUCCESS!!!!!

On April 1st-April 4th, 2012, STARS took a group of eight high school students who are deaf and hard of hearing to Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. Gallaudet University is the largest college in America that offers services specifically for students who are deaf and hard of hearing. Over 4,000 students attend this school from […]

Maplewood Comprehensive High School’s Distinquished Service Award

We are THRILLED to recognize Monika Pugh, our STARS Specialist at Maplewood Comprehensive High School, for being presented with the Distinquished Service Award by Principal, Mr. Ron Woodard. Monika was honored during a recent in-service for the Maplewood staff  for her contributions to the overall climate of their school.  Her ability to build relationships within […]

Honoring Child Abuse Prevention Month with Ft. Campbell!

For the past four years, our Kids on the Block team has been invited onto Ft. Campbell Post to present to their now six elementary schools.  This all began with funding from the Nashville Predators Foundation when they funded our Coping With Crisis program and corresponding puppet, Salima.  This program addresses the fears, concerns, hopes […]

From a School Counselor…

April is National Child Abuse Prevention month and to honor this our Kids on the Block team has been presenting to all six (yes, 6!!) elementary schools at Ft. Campbell this week.  We have been presenting our Child Abuse Prevention program to all their third graders and our Coping With Crisis program to all second […]

Addressing Bullying, Harassment, and Hazing Through Effective Policy and Practice

Tennessee Department of Education  Office of Safe and Supportive Schools in Partnership with STARS Nashville… A civil and respectful learning environment is an essential foundation for teaching and learning.  Public Chapter 153 as enacted by the 2009 General Assembly mandates specific actions on the part of schools relative to bullying, harassment and intimidation.  This seminar […]

STARS Chosen As Charity Tour of Homes Benefiting Charity

After participating in the selection and interview process for the Charity Tour of Homes, we are pleased to announce that STARS has been selected as one of the benefiting charities of the May 2012 Charity Tour of Homes.   Featuring the latest in gorgeous building and interior design ideas, the Charity Tour of Homes takes […]

Charity Tour of Homes – Sumner & Williamson County

Highlighting the latest in home building innovation and interior design while giving back to the community, the 2012 Charity Tour of Homes features seven stunning custom homes ranging in style from French Country to Louisiana Farm House on home sites from Hendersonville’s Fairvue Plantation to Leipers Fork weekends May 18-27 and benefiting two worthy Middle […]

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.