MOVE 2 STAND against Bullying!!

From South Hadley, MA teen Phoebe Prince to Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi, bullying takes lives and Nashville’s NewsChannel 5 gets the enormity of this issue as they highlighted the STARS Move 2 Stand program October 4 at Freedom Middle School. ( The helplessness of the students facing this issue is very frustrating but the Move […]

STARS Honors Stellar Supporters – Patricia and Rodes Hart

In our 18th year of hosting the STARS golf tournament, the incredible tourney committee and STARS board have decided to rename the event, Hart Golf Classic, honoring our stellar STARS supporters Rodes and Patricia Hart.    Active throughout the area, STARS is so fortunate to have the support, time and talents of this dynamic couple […]

The Platinum Rule – by Erin Daunic, Director of Development

I had the good fortune to participate in the Center For Nonprofit Management’s Bridges to Excellence Conference on May 22, 2010, met some good people, visited with old friends and learned something remarkable: The Platinum Rule. During the last workshop of the day, I attended Cathy Self’s LEADING WITH LOVE & NOT FEAR presentation on […]

Pizza Delivery – by Erin Daunic, Director of Development

I ordered pizza the other night from our favorite little shop in East Nashville.  Over the years, my family has become close with the family who owns the shop.  They have five children ranging in age from 5 to 24 and all of them work at the restaurant.  Often, the mom or the one of […]

An Extra 20 Minutes – by Rodger Dinwiddie, Executive Director

On the way to work a few weeks ago my early morning drive was interrupted. The sun had barely risen; enough darkness remained as I started down a slight incline on Charlotte Pike. My eyes caught the attention of a man standing on the side of the road who appeared disoriented. My focus was only […]

When a Teacher Bullies – by Rodger Dinwiddie, Executive Director

A recent story form North Carolina revealed a nasty part of bullying that most everyone would rather ignore.  A middle school student received their graded paper from their teacher with the words “-20% for being a LOSER” written in red ink. The word “loser” was underlined twice and capitalized.  And, this was the second time […]

Hard Choices For Our Schools – by Rodger Dinwiddie, Executive Director

Hard choices face public schools across the United States. In Nashville, Davidson County, our Mayor and the Metro City Council have made strong commitments to two major issues in the community … our schools and safety. As the city’s leadership faces the approval of a budget for 2010-11, the process this year appears to be […]

Two Faces of Teen Suicide – by Rodger Dinwiddie, Executive Director

“In this country a teen commits suicide every 100 minutes according to a national suicide-prevention website” the Tennessean reported last week.  Teen suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people between the ages of 15-24. Only car accidents and homicides kill more people in this age range. Certainly the rise in […]

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.