Leaving It Better – by Rodger Dinwiddie, Executive Director

“Your legacy should be that you made it better than it was when you got it.”  Lee Iacocca This past week I saw a wonderful story on News Channel 5 about a group of local high school students who truly are leaving a part of their world much better!  Students from Ravenwood High School are […]

Megan Fox – A Missed Opportunity- by Rodger Dinwiddie, Executive Director

Seems that there has been a bit of a buzz about Megan Fox and her commercial which aired during this year’s Superbowl.  Megan Fox appeared in an ad for Motorola advertising a new phone. Seems the buzz centers around Megan’s thumb. Evidently someone else’s thumb appeared in the ad.  Megan has a genetic condition, brachydactyly, […]

The Golden Rule – by Erin Daunic, Director of Development

It sounds so simple: treat other as you would like to be treated.  Period.  However, as is so often true, what appears to be simple can quickly become burdened by complications.  As an almost-40-year old woman, I remember VIVIDLY those adults in my life who treated me with respect and consideration.  I remember the overwhelming […]

Super Stuff for a Super Sunday – by Erin Daunic, Director of Development

Super.  When used as an adjective means first-rate, great or excellent.  Today, those of us tuned into Super Bowl XLIV (44) will witness super players playing in the most super game of the  National Football League’s season.   These first-rate, great and excellent players will match will with brawn and athleticism and most us of will […]

The Kindness of Strangers – by Erin Daunic, Director of Development

In an economy that is damaged, our young people need us more than ever. We have all, from corporate to nonprofit to small business, had to make sacrifices over the past 18-months. Hard sacrifices. We have had to make them here at STARS. However, none of us can afford to overlook the social emotional health […]

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.