Teacher and Student Bullying: Who Can Help? – by Rodger Dinwiddie

In our Feb. 3 blog, the case of Alex Merritt detailed by “Newsweek” magazine in a 2009 issue presented an unfortunate situation. He was a student enrolled in a part-time vocational program and was tormented with comments about being gay or as those who were making his life miserable said, “Alex’s fence swings both ways. […]

Teacher and Student Bullying Is A Delicate Issue – by Rodger Dinwiddie

“Alex Merritt was not used to being the butt of jokes” according to a “Newsweek” 2009 issue. He was a student enrolled in a part-time vocational program and was tormented with comments about being gay or as those who were making his life miserable said, “Alex’s fence swings both ways. Alex’s boat floats in a different […]

Bullied Adults and Youth Have To Confront The Problem – by Rodger Dinwiddie

No-Name Calling Week has been observed nationally and Students Taking A Right Stand (STARS) Nashville has taken this opportunity to launch our blog. We have concentrated first on bullyingin an effort to start a dialogue about this challenge and many other issues facing our kids as they navigate through the complicated waters of youth.  Tragically, the […]

Adult and Student Bullying Is Not That Different – by Rodger Dinwiddie

There are several types of adult bullies identified by authors Gary and Ruth Namie, “In The Bully at Work.” There are chronic bullies – those who are mean, nasty people at work. Opportunistic bullies are those, according to the Namies, the worker in the workplace is most likely to encounter.  The opportunistics bullies are the […]

Students & Employees Don’t See Leaders Stopping Bullying – by Rodger Dinwiddie

A Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) survey indicates that in 62% of cases, when made aware of bullying, employers worsen the problem or do nothing.  It seems a student survey came up with a similar conclusion. Students in one school who participated in the Olweus Bullying Questionnaire in the Middle Tennessee area responded to the question, […]

Employers Can’t Afford To Ignore Workplace Bullying – by Rodger Dinwiddie

The headlines in Business Week declare “Employers Can’t Ignore Workplace Bullies.” Yet, a Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) survey indicates that in 62% of cases, when made aware of bullying, employers worsen the problem or do nothing. According to the WBI survey, 37% of American workers, an estimated 54 million people, have been bullied at work.  […]

Social Networking: Every Word Matters.

Two days ago netiquette was the subject on this space. This morning I read the Tennesseean’s home page and see the story about a student at MLK who has been expelled because of cyber threats posted on his Facebook page about his coach. What a tragic story for everyone involved. When we kicked off our […]

Ten Steps To Stopping Cyber Bullying – by Rodger Dinwiddie

“Being bullied over the internet is worse. It’s torment and hurts. They say “stick and stones may break bones, but words will never hurt me.” That quote is a lie and I don’t believe in it. Sticks and stones may cause nasty cuts and scars, but those cuts and scars will heal. “Insulting” words hurt […]

Do You Practice Netiquette? – by Rodger Dinwiddie

  We’ve all been taught by our parents and teachers there are basic rules for good manners in everyday life.  But, most likely our teenagers haven’t had manners lessons on the internet or netiquette. There are some serious challenges facing young people and adults as both access to and advances in technology increase. It is […]

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.