National School Counseling Week – Guest Post

To welcome National School Counseling week, we wanted to start out with a guest blog post from Debora Finch, a elementary school counselor and counseling educator who has worked closely with our Kids on the Block program. You rock, Debora! Kids on the Block means so much to our school counseling program at Lipscomb Elementary […]

Come out on January 18th to support STARS and the beloved Nashville Predators!!

Our good friends at the Nashville Predators have partnered with STARS (as well our friends at BeeAttitudes) to create a Public Service Announcement which will be debuted at the Predators v. Avalanche game on Saturday, January 18th at Bridgestone arena. To help us celebrate, the Preds have created a link from which to purchase tickets […]

STARS is deeply committed to creating a culture and work space that centers on the power of relationships, that values diversity of perspective and experience, and that honors the dignity, worth, and contributions of all.