The Power of Literacy


Kids on the Block bring Literacy to Buena Vista

Kids on the Block (KOB) brought the Literacy Program to the first graders at Buena Vista Enhanced Option School in Nashville.  Over several weeks KOB encouraged the importance of reading through various fun and engaging activities in which students:

  • View a puppetry presentation that includes story time when they get introduced to the book they will be reading in their small groups
  • Get up and moving combing phonics with song and dance
  • Practice reading aloud with a reading buddy
  • Use tools such as story mapping, spelling puzzles, and puppets to review what they have read and act out parts of the book
  • Receive books to take home and keep
  • What people are saying:
    • Literacy Coach “Not one day went by without at least one student stopping me and asking if it was the “Kids on the Block” day. As important as the student’s reactions are, the growth in their reading levels during the time you worked with them is impressive.”
    • Teacher“They (the kids) really enjoyed the program and getting to work with the teachers (KOBers). The teachers were very caring and encouraged later reading with the gift of books.”
    • Student“I learned a lot of new words that I never even new (knew). I loved being in Kids on the Block. Thank you.”

Why is literacy so important?

Only 1/3 of American 4th graders are proficient in reading. By the 4th grade, if a child is unable to read at the basic level of proficiency for that grade, they are unlikely to ever catch up.


Today’s Readers become Tomorrow’s Leaders

Tips to get your kids into reading:

  • Make special library dates with your kids! Go to the public library with a list of the type of books they want to check out and make sure they get some that they are truly interested in reading.
  • Schedule family time to read with your children. You can read to them, they can read to you, or take turns reading to each other.
  • Ask questions about the book that is being read.
  • Create a special reading place or ‘nook” in your home that is cozy and inviting. Make it a fun activity to do with your children by finding pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and a variety of books so they will be excited to go to their reading area.


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